If you’re reading this you more likely than not are seeking methods to improve your quality of life, which is terrific and something you should be very proud of.
Unfortunately, most fuck everything up by holding the belief that if they can generate a certain amount of financial income, that only then can they accelerate their happiness levels as well as those closest to them.
It’s not your fault. It’s our environment. It’s what we were conditioned to think and believe since we were youngins.
With this ingrained and limiting view, you allow your behaviors and thoughts to seek validation for it and begin to take action towards it.
The problem with this concept is the belief that something external (money) can bring us what we really seek (gratitude, fulfillment, freedom and happiness).
A sense of gratitude, fulfillment, freedom and happiness are internal feelings. They’re developed from within you, NOT from you getting a new job or a bonus or even winning the lottery and adding an extra few zeros to your bank account.
For real, winning the lottery does NOT make you happier.
Even if you were to increase the amount of money you make, the elusive sensations of fulfillment and happiness are not going to just magically hop onto your shoulders and ride the remaining wave of life with you.
It can takes years, decades, even LIFETIMES of hard work and practice to acquire these coveted qualities consistently over the course of one’s life.
The statement above may hurt and offend, but it’s a hard truth. One that you must learn to accept.
What’s incredible about the process of personal growth and self-discovery (something that I’ve been actively working on for some time now) is just how much of a positive impact your existence and thirst for knowledge and execution of that knowledge can have on others.
Those you love in particular.
While many of us always seek to take care of our family and friends in some way shape or form, we primarily and subconsciously seek to improve ourselves.
Our health, productivity levels, how much we have in our wallet/bank account, etc.
We read self-help books on habits that we need to create as well as those we must eliminate.
We listen to podcasts that inspire and motivate us to want to take action and take the steps towards financial freedom.
We watch documentaries of those who have faced tremendous adversity and overcame it with a incredible sense of ambition and determination to succeed.
But regardless if we are able to achieve success financially, simply performing these acts day in and day out, working on improving ourselves and our well-being physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally, we can discover that success isn’t what brings happiness, but that in fact happiness is what brings success.
When you take action to educate yourself (on how to get motivated, become happier, become more grateful, to start your own business, to become more positive, to question your beliefs, your thinking patterns, etc), you begin to learn new and exciting concepts and ideas, forcing your brain to literally start growing new neurological pathways.
This level of tenacity and insatiable hunger to want to achieve and become a more improved and better YOU paradoxically allows you to make an impact on your loved ones in a way that MONEY NEVER CAN.
Your elevated sense of awareness, confidence and positivity that you undoubtedly begin to possess is massively contagious.
Those you surround yourself with can immediately feel and sense the new and heightened version of you. And if they truly love you, they’ll not only be happy and grateful for you, but also take it and implement it into their life.
So keep on going.
Take control of your life, constantly better yourself for the greater good and watch as your own self improvement casts a beacon, luring in those around you to reach new heights.
“I know I’m fortunate to live an extraordinary life, and that most people would assume my business success, and the wealth that comes with it, have brought me happiness. But they haven’t; in fact it’s the reverse. I am successful, wealthy and connected because I am happy.” – Richard Branson